More thoughts...

While studying and pondering what to share, I find it hard to not post all the talks that we studied for fear of leaving out something that was truly inspiring.  Elder Bednar's address in the April 2013 General Conference touches on amazing truth.  I want to share a couple of paragraphs but will also encourage you to follow the link to read and study his whole address.

"To some degree, the natural man described by King Benjamin is alive and well in each of us (see Mosiah 3:19). The natural man
Family Foundations Reading Packet 120
or woman is unrepentant, is carnal and sensual (see Mosiah 16:5; Alma 42:10; Moses 5:13), is indulgent and excessive, and is prideful and selfish. As President Spencer W. Kimball taught, “The ‘natural man’ is the ‘earthy man’ who has allowed rude animal passions to overshadow his spiritual inclinations” (“Ocean Currents and Family Influences,” Ensign, Nov. 1974, 112).
11. In contrast, the “man [or woman] of Christ” (Helaman 3:29) is spiritual and bridles all passions (see Alma 38:12), is temperate and restrained, and is benevolent and selfless. Men and women of Christ lay hold upon the word of God, deny themselves and take up His cross (see Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; D&C 56:2), and press forward along a strait and narrow course of faithfulness, obedience, and devotion to the Savior and His gospel."
