Just wanted to share my post from 10/21/14 from an assignment...

This week we had the privilege of reading some amazing talks.  I loved Elder Hafen's address, Covenant Marriage.  He taught about marriage either be based on a contract or covenant.  Some marry to obtain benefits and stay, as long as they are receiving what they bargained for but, when troubles come to a covenant marriage, the husband and wife work through them.  I really appreciated him reminding us that there are 3 kinds of wolves that can affect marriage  and warned us of them.  Natural adversity, own imperfections, and excessive individualism can all form wedges between husbands and wives.  As a couple we need to sustain and lift each other when the wolf comes.  Marriage is such an important part of our life and when trials come, we need to love one another and not turn on each other.  I am also grateful for the reminder that a contract companion gives 50% but a covenant companion gives 100%.  We need to be diligent in helping our spouse feel loved and respected in our marriages.  Something that I may forget every once in a while in the rush of everyday obligations.
